Monday, August 01, 2005


Art has the power to alter, enhance, or completely transform a person's existence. The ideas and images presented in a powerful work can single-handedly influence a generation, and by the imaginative vision of one single mind, the world becomes a different place. Art colors our lives, electrifies our moments, and alters raw existence into phenomenal, emotionally-charged experience.

Why then, considering a force so intrinsically linked to the very essence of being a creative human, do we pay so little attention? I am not referring to funding or collecting or prominence, rather one simple question:

Why don't we think more about art?

This series of essays endeavors to address this question, approaching art as visual philosophy, and investigating it through a critical, analytical, and creative standpoint. It is based on primary research, visceral reactions, and artistic investigation to get at the soul of the art in question, to give it the thoughts and consideration it deserves.

It is my hope that by showcasing what I consider challenging and worthwhile subjects of inquiry, I can encourage others to develop opinions of their own, to perform their own research, and above all, to really think about art and why it exists in the world.


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